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Fundraising for Heads of School
Join new Heads of School for a one-stop advancement training course that will allow any Head of School to make a seamless transition from senior leadership to chief executive. This program will equip you with a thorough knowledge of fundraising best practices, key metrics to know and understand, and the intricacies of various types of fundraising and campaigns.

Lead from a position of strength as you arm yourself with not only key performance indicators, but poignant questions to ask of your development office and board as you make strategic choices that take your institution into its next phase of history.

This seminar consists of:
  • Seven 30–60 minute interactive online recordings that allow you to learn at your own pace anywhere, any time!
  • A two-hour live, virtual Making the Ask Workshop (Fall 2024 date coming soon) 

The online recordings can be accessed on the content tab as they become available.
If you are unsure if your institution is a member or you'd like to become one, visit the CASE Membership page
or email for assistance. 


830 AUD

755 CAD

510 EUR

435 GBP

9,165 MXN

745 SGD

550 USD


1,160 AUD

1,055 CAD

715 EUR

605 GBP

12,825 MXN

1,040 SGD

770 USD


Availability: No future session
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
Contains: 8 Courses
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